
Exclusion List for Non-Compulsory Global Programmes

Students who have committed ‘Serious’ disciplinary offences that are adjudicated by the NUS Board of Discipline (BOD), and students who have committed serious criminal offences prior to acceptance by NUS, are excluded from participation in non-compulsory global programmes.

Non-Compulsory Global Programmes include but are not limited to: Student Exchange Programme (SEP), Summer/Winter programmes, NUS Overseas College (NOC) programmes, and overseas attachments (e.g. internships, research/industrial attachment, practical training, etc.).

Students who are subjected to the exclusion criteria may approach their Faculties/Departments to appeal to participate in a non-compulsory global programme. Faculties/Departments may appeal to the Provost’s Office on behalf of the students if they support the students’ participation in such programmes.

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